Key Takeaways
Will Richardson at TEDXMelbourne
Will Richardson's talk was centered around the idea that learning inside of school is different than learning outside of school. He spoke to ideas on how schools should respond and change to mitigate this factor. The comment that resonated with me the most was "don't neglect the immeasurables". Skills such as being creative or a problem solver are essential for students, even though they are difficult to measure, don't neglect explicitly teaching them.
Sugata Mitra Build a school in the cloud
I admire the work and extreme ideas that drive Sugata Mitra to claim that "knowing is obsolete." His focus on encouragement really aligns with my teaching style. By encouraging students, we are building their self-efficacy, agency, confidence, and promoting life-long learning.
Sal Kahn Let’s use video to reinvent education
According to the Kahn Academy website, "Khan Academy offers practice exercises, instructional videos, and a personalized learning dashboard that empower learners to study at their own pace in and outside of the classroom." In the video, Sal Khan shared that his very first instructional videos were used as a supplement, for motivated students, or in homeschooling. Then, the videos gained traction with teachers; they were using the videos to flip their classrooms. Sal Kahn stated that this style of teaching used technology to humanize classrooms. A very interesting and thought provoking statement, in my opinion.