My personal inquiry is how to achieve more consistency with technology integration in SAS’s Elementary School’s (ES) 1:1 ipad program. This inquiry directly connects to classroom learning and instruction as it clarifies expectations for teachers and students in relation to technology integration. By identifying Technology Power Standards that align with our school’s Desired Student Learning Outcomes (DSLOs), very similar to 21 Century skills, providing natural curricular pathways, and sharing examples of lessons or student work for each standard, consistency will be easier to achieve. This work is crucial for moving our 1:1 ipad program forward, and it couldn’t have been done without the support and input from teachers. Teachers will continue to be responsible for helping to maintain and support this work with their teams next year. Building capacity within our faculty is a critical change element in our context. According to Michael Fullan (2013), one of the Six Secrets of Change, #3 Building Capacity Prevails, he states that successful innovation means harnessing the collective power of all faculty and administrators to implement change.
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Fullan, M. (2013). The six secrets of change. San Francisco, Calif.: Jossey-Bass.