A few students in Miss Kumar's class decided to undertake a Makey Makey exploration for their scheduled time at Creation Stations. They began simply by opening the box, connecting the Makey Makey to a desktop computer, and following the directions on the How to page on the Makey Makey website (http://makeymakey.com/how-to/classic/). Step 5, 'Play some Makey Makey drums!' required collaborative problem solving as the students Makey Makey seemed to only work some of the time. They discovered that they drums wouldn't play if they didn't have the Makey Makey grounded. Once they solved that problem the drum sounds were abundant.
They quickly crowded around the computer for a short 'show-and-tell' about the station. I look forward to seeing how many different students will be interested in this Makey Makey station when Miss Kumar's class arrives again next week.