Friday, 19 February 2016

Discovery Time with Ms. Analu

Post written by Ms. Analu
"We have embarked on a fantastic journey called Discovery Time.  The kids shared different passions and areas they would love to explore.  As they shared their interests, Mrs. Buxton and I helped the kids sort them into different categories:
  • Movie Making – (Star Wars clips)
  • Sewing – (stuffed animals)
  • Building – (castles, dollhouses, Star Wars characters)
  • Science Investigations – (volcanoes)
They made a plan.  They asked questions.  They researched.  Now they are doing – creating! It has been so much fun!
We would like to thank Mrs. Buxton for guiding us through this journey and Ms. Nora for teaching us how to sew.
At the end of this cycle, we will reflect and see what worked well and what could have been better.  Then we will start a new cycle.
It was wonderful to see the kids collaborating, thinking critically, persisting and trying again.
Take a look at a glimpse of our Discovery Time today."