Tuesday, 9 December 2014

Basic Coding Apps to Get Started

Grade 1 students participated in the Hour of Code this week, testing out three different apps that are a good introduction to the basics of computer programming (coding).

By far, the students' favorite coding app has been Kodable.  It is free in the US and Singapore itunes stores.

Their 2nd favorite has been Scratch Jr, also free in the US and Singapore itunes stores.

Then, their 3rd favorite was Daisy the Dinosaur.  Again, free in the US and Singapore itunes stores.

Here are some photos of Grade 1 students during the Hour of Code lesson.

Sunday, 7 December 2014

Hour of Code in Grade 1

Grade 1 students were absolutely thrilled to participate in the Hour of Code today.  What is the hour of Code?  The Hour of Code is a way to get people, anyone and everyone, excited about the computer sciences and learn the basics to getting started with the language of computers.  In first grade,  students used the apps Kodable and Daisy the Dinosaur to explore the world of computer programming.  By commanding a fuzzball, in Kodable, with arrows to tell it which direction to go or a dinosaur, in Daisy the Dinosaur, with actions to tell her what to do, students entered the world of computer programming with smiles, shouts of joy, and celebratory high-fives when their object successfully completed their commands.

Monday, 24 November 2014

Showing Respect Online - Digital Citizenship Lesson #2

First graders were involved in another foundational Digital Citizenship lesson pertaining to ‘Showing Respect Online’ with me, the first grade tech coach, and Mrs. Cuthbert, the first grade librarian.  Since all of our first grade classes are running student-run blogs, we were able to relate this skill, Showing Respect Online, to commenting on each other’s blog posts.  Students learned that they should ask themselves 3 questions before they make a comment on a peer’s blog post.  

Think Before You Comment
Would I say this in person?
Did I only use first names?
Is my comment positive?

Here is an informative and engaging video that we (G1 tech coach, G1 librarian, and G1 counselor) made for the students.

Sunday, 16 November 2014

Blogging in Grade 1

Students in Grade 1 are becoming pretty capable bloggers!  The app of choice to use is Easy Blogger which makes blogging so easy for some of our youngest students.  Students are expected to include some form of media (photo, video, or both) and an explanation or description of their learning.  In the posts pictured below, students blogged about their 'Neighborhood Walk' which is part of the G1 Social Studies unit called, Our Community.

Monday, 10 November 2014

Book Creator

Book Creator is definitely not a new app in town, but an app that we have revisited as a school.  Originally, Book Creator gathered a lot of steam with our teachers due to the media-rich books that students could make about their learning.  It was only when it came time to sharing this lovely books that posed a problem.  Books over 25MB cannot be emailed, and furthermore, if books could be emailed we encountered the issue of some families not having a device with iBooks in order to view the book.

There are a few work arounds teachers have tried with a little more success.  For starters, schools now have unlimited storage space in Drive, so books can be uploaded to Drive and links shared with home.  Devices with iBooks are more prevalent with families so that helps too.  Lastly, Book Creator has provided an 'export as video' option.  Although the deign of a 'book' and flipping of pages is lost, this option does provide a quick and easy way for students to share books without losing any audio.  Books can saved directly to the camera roll and then uploaded to their blogs through the Easy Blogger app.

Below is a quick slideshow on how to make a Book Creator and options for sharing it.

Tuesday, 4 November 2014

Sharing Tech Integration Ideas

15 KG-2 teachers delivered 5 minute Learning Bytes on an app and how they have integrated it into the curriculum.  The presenters then rotated around six times sharing their expertise with six different small groups of teachers.  It was wonderful to see the authentic ways teachers in the Lower Elementary are using iPads with their students.  It was a Monday afternoon faculty meeting well-spent! 

Monday, 3 November 2014

Front Row for Math Practice

Grade 1 classes are trying out the app Front Row for Common Core Aligned Math Practice on the ipad.  Check out this short video of a screencast from when a student was using Front Row.

Saturday, 25 October 2014

Book Creator for Strengths and Goals

In Grade 1, students have been busy preparing for the Strengths and Goals Conferences.  With our 1:1 iPad program, this preparation looked a little different than it has in years past and teachers were extremely positive about the change.

Students used the app Book Creator to document their strengths and goals.  This process allowed students to make an ebook with their voice recorded directly on the page (noted by the speaker symbols seen in the images below).  Teachers commented on the benefits of our younger students having such a powerful voice in what they want to share with their parents on their conference day as well as how valuable it is to hear them state their strengths and goals in their very own words.  They also noticed that students' engagement in the reflection process increased as well.

Thursday, 9 October 2014

Using Popplet to Show Prior Knowledge of a Topic

Students in Mrs. Kelly's class used what they already know about a topic to think about words that might be in a book on that topic (prior/background knowledge).  With the app Popplet, students were able to make a mind map/web of words they already knew about their just right book's topic.  This is one way grade 1 students get their minds ready to read a book!  Below is a blog post from one of her students.

Wednesday, 10 September 2014

Blogging with Grade 1 Students

Students in first grade have started student-run blogs in their classrooms.  They are so excited to have voice and choice with the learning they share with their families.  Teachers have set up a teacher-managed blog that all of their students will post to during this school year.  They have used the Labels gadget so students can use their names as the label and easily get to all of their posts and learning throughout the year.  The app of choice is Easy Blogger, which makes blogging EASY!

Thursday, 4 September 2014

Camera and Photos Apps Discovery Lesson

Grade 1 students had an opportunity to explore these two apps, Camera and Photos, and discover various functions such as; focusing the ipad camera, toggling to the square format, cropping, and rotating images. As adults, we may take these functions for granted, but for our youngest learners, having to discover these functions instead of being told where to tap can be quite a challenging task.  

Lessons that are developed in this manner motivate children to be problem solvers and independent thinkers.  Students are encouraged to Try 3 B4 Me and then I can either give a clue or lead them to learn from another student who has already discovered how an app works or getting a specific function in an app to work. 


Tuesday, 19 August 2014

A 1:1 Program

Grade 1 students are embarking on an ipad 1:1 program this year.  In order for them to personalize their devices and take ownership of the ipad, first graders designed their very own wallpaper!  Here are a few samples:

Sunday, 17 August 2014

Grade 1 iPad User Agreement

First graders at SAS will be in a 1:1 program this year.  In order to be safe and responsible iPad users, these students are learning about certain agreements that we will follow.  We have used the catchy phrase iLEARN iPad Rules to help them remember some key skills when using their device.

Tuesday, 6 May 2014

A Technology Use Contract at Home

My family recently had a dinner discussion of ways to make a positive change with technology use and screen time at our house.  We followed Common Sense Media's 1:1 customizable contract and set some boundaries.  The difference has been astronomical and we are very happy to have time limits and clear expectations in our household of when, where, and for how long it is ok to be on technology.  Surprisingly enough, there haven't been any complaints from our children either.  They know the rules and since they were part of the decision making process they stand by them.  

Wednesday, 23 April 2014

Learning about Lee Kuan Yew

First grade students in Ms. Analu's class recently learned about Singapore's first prime minister in their Social Studies unit.  They have created Puppet Pal shows to share their learning about this amazing person!  Here are a few samples to watch!

Wednesday, 16 April 2014

Green Screen Weather Reports

Grade 2 level II mandarin students have been applying their new vocabulary and speaking skills to record weather reports for other countries.  Teachers used the app Green Screen by Do Ink to accomplish this learning 'apptivity' using an iPad.

Thursday, 3 April 2014

Using Doodlecast Pro to Explain Math

Grade 1 students are experimenting with the app Doodlecast Pro to explain various math concepts.  They were given a framework to follow when making an instructional video as noted in the image below.

Wednesday, 2 April 2014

Safe and Sensible Searching Online

To continue building on First Grade's Digital Citizenship skills, Mrs. Cuthbert, the Grade 1 librarian, and I co-taught the students how to search online both safely and sensibly.  

Thursday, 20 March 2014

Connecting with Shekou International School

Kindergarten students in Sun Laoshi's class had a Google Hangout with 2nd grade students at Shekou International School in China.  They were very excited to be able to share a song and stories with each other.  The children are making connections and practicing their mandarin at the same time!  

Tuesday, 18 March 2014

Sock Puppets in World Language

Students in Yang Laoshi's class used the app Sock Puppets to arrange a playdate!

Monday, 17 March 2014

Google School: Students Teaching Teachers

High School students are helping primary school world language teachers learn through a project called Google School:  Students Teaching Teachers.  They share their knowledge about Google tools and support the teachers in using these applications in their daily teaching, planning, and learning! 

Thursday, 13 March 2014

Non-Fiction and Fiction Reading Voices

Mr. Mike's class used Doodlecast Pro to demonstrate and explain the differences between non-fiction and fiction reading voices.

Wednesday, 12 March 2014

Showcasing Nonfiction Learning

First graders are exploring different ways to showcase their nonfiction research.  They were given options of making a nonfiction book using the app Book Creator, designing a presentation in the app Haiku Deck, or producing an iMovie.  Here are a few samples below.


Haiku Deck

Created with Haiku Deck, the free presentation app

Book Creator (open the link in iBooks on an ipad) 

Tuesday, 11 March 2014

Blogging for Fun!

Two students in Ms. Analu's class used their Fun Friday time to write a story on their blog.  Their perseverance to publish such a lengthy story on their ipad is commendable, and then, to top it off, they independently made the decision to post it on their student-run blog!   

Monday, 24 February 2014

Labelling Diagrams

Students in Mrs. Goldhammer's first grade class used their iPads to make labeled animal diagram today to go along with their animal research.  Students have been exploring non-fiction text features and how they help us read as well as learn from this genre.  First, students went to www.pebblego.com to find their animal's diagram.  Next, they took a screenshot.  Then, they labeled the diagram using Pic Collage. Lastly, they emailed their teacher!

Thursday, 20 February 2014

Today's Meet

Ms. Analu's class used Today's Meet on their iPads to practice answering questions that didn't require a yes or no answer. They had been learning about asking quality questions using which or why to get
better answers. So during a read aloud, Ms. Analu asked quality questions to elicit answers from students. They used Today's Meet to
show their answers so everybody could see. It also provided a way for all students to participate.

Tuesday, 18 February 2014

Reading and Tech with Popplet

Mr. Mike's first grade class learned that a picture can say a thousand words today. They took a picture of a photograph in their nonfiction book and jotted down their new learning after observing the photo closely.

Monday, 17 February 2014

NF Text Features Popplet

Students in Mrs. Quick's first grade class used the app Popplet to show the various non-fiction text features found in their reading books!

Sunday, 16 February 2014

Twitter Chat

Friday, 14 February 2014

Blog Post Commenting in G1

Grade one students in Ms. Analu's class learned how to make appropriate comments on their peer's blog posts!

Qr Codes in G1

Grade one students were really excited to see the fruits of their labor. The previous week students had worked diligently to record book reviews of their favorite book. After recording and taking a photo of either their book cover or themselves holding the book, students made a QR code of their video. Then, it was time for students to scan and watch each other's book reviews!  It was an excellent culminating apptivity for their writing unit on writing reviews.

Tuesday, 11 February 2014

NF Text Features in iMovie

A student in Mrs. DiGiovanni's class used the app iMovie to show what he had learned about nonfiction text features.

Sunday, 2 February 2014

iMovies with Mr. Mike's Class

Mr. Mike's first grade class is learning how to use one of the new features in iMovie iOS.  They made movies giving reasons why being a student at SAS is so fantastic!  Here are a few samples below.

Saturday, 1 February 2014

QR Code Book Reviews

Last week, grade 1 students finished their Writer's Workshop Unit on Opinion Writing and recorded a video persuading readers to check out their favorite book.  Then, students created QR code posters for their book review video. A sample can be seen below. Ultimately, the QR codes of books that can be found in our PS library will be taped directly onto the library book.  This way, students can use iPads in the library to watch a review of the book to help them decide if they want to check it out to read or not. 

Monday, 27 January 2014

A New Take on an Old Idea

Plenty of teachers have either heard of or tried having a stuffed classroom pet that travels home with students and asking children to write about the animal's adventure away from school.  Some commonly used ideas that tie in with class read-alouds are: Flat Stanley, Tacky the Penguin, or The World According to Humphrey.  Mrs. Woody has put a 21st century spin on a journal going home with students and she is asking that kids blog about the animal's experience.  Her first grade students take a photo of themselves with the pet and then email the photo along with a message to the student-run blog.  What a fantastic way for students to see a real purpose for blogging!

Tuesday, 21 January 2014

Reading iPad Tech Integration

First grade students learned about characters feelings and how they change in their unit, Readers Meet the Characters in Our Books.  Students could show their learning by making a Doodlecast Pro of images from the book along with a narration of how the character's feelings changed.  I have included a teacher sample that can be used as a model below.

Wednesday, 8 January 2014

Reading Makes Me Feel Good

Festival of Stories is starting in the Primary School this week!  Students will be inspired by Todd Parr's book Reading Makes You Feel Good.  In Technology class, students will mimic Todd Parr's drawing style to create images of what makes them feel good.  Below are samples created by Mr. Mike's class.